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About GirlRO'S Activist Team

Eipisode 1 is a 24 page 4 color gloss paper graphic novel available at all major book stores, and Episode 1 & 2 are 36 page 4 color gloss paper comic books  available for purchasing here on GirlRO’, Amazon, and most retail comic book outlets; to support the “Intervention Prevention” mission of GirlRO’S G FORCE Fan Club Support Team m/projects/girlros/the-extraordinary-adventures-of-girlros

We may be bias but the story written over a year prior to the COVID 19 Pandemic is about the same subject, virus cures, really good and the original graphics just adds to the readers visual imagination and a great learning tool. Episode 1 & 2 , “Origin” & Campus Connection, “The Extraordinary  Adventures Of “GirlRO’S” in our opinion the “Next Great Comic Activist Team”. 

Episode 2

Episode 2  “Campus Connections” is about all the parents seeing their Campus and meeting for the first time, other test study subjects, Orientation Professor Knowsit, speaking to all parents in and auditorium setting.

Professor Knowsit, announcing the Couple Paring partners and logging accommodations (Each Subject Can Choose Single Apartment; Are Couples Family Housing (is about all the parents seeing their Campus and meeting for the first time, other test study subjects, Orientation Professor Knowsit, speaking to all parents in and auditorium setting.

Each of you will receive a profile of the person they have been paired with along with their contact information at the end of this announcement by text and email; Good Luck

The “GirlRO’S” characters are based on six of the children born during the study from (the below couple pairing.)


The missions that GirlRO’S undertake, expands in each new issue of the comic, with a variety of challenging, yet ongoing possibilities for helping others. “The next big idea in health prevention” says Jjay Free Entertainment Beat Writer, Waiting Room, USA Magazine.

The birth of “GirlRO’S” originated in march of 2000, after The National Human Genome Research Institute awarded a $250 million-dollar research grant to Lucile Adams-Campbell Epigenetics Genome Institute, for a (DNA) subject paring research study that may lead to enhanced antibodies in their test subject’s offspring. English 

Using the theory of Epigenetics, trails carried out at the LAC Epigenetics Genome Institute campus, headed by the managing Director, Professor Sensor Knowsit. The paring couple’s kids inherited genomic traits will hopefully provide them with the ability to produce vaccines, that may prevent virus and bacterial infections prior to any epidemic.

Epigenetics is the study of how the environment around us, including the nutrition and the choices we make, can change the expression of inherited genes. Each person has within them the ability, to turn select genes on and others off at will (It Is Understood that the mind creates anger, fear depression and negative thoughts that breaks down the immune systems, just as happiness, caring and positive thoughts strengthening the immune system all controlled by the mind.) and whether learned training in gene regulation can then passed on to a child.

Epigenetics, as a simplified definition, is the study of biological mechanisms that will decide which genes are switched on and off. Genetics is the study of heredity and the variation of inherited characteristics, GMO (genetically modified organism) and the physical manipulation of the structure of DNA. 

Episode 1

“GirlRO’S” is a one of a kind, standalone original graphic novel comic book in the same vein as “Hero’s”, but with a brand-new spin that includes two intertwining stories. The “GirlRO’S” characters were bred to possess enhanced traits and abilities, one of which allows them to hopefully produce stronger than normal antibodies that might prevent future epidemics of most virus.

GirlRO’S” originated as a book & Comic Book Series, set in the backdrop of America’s most diverse city, Houston, Texas in 2025, with missions around the world.

The missions that GirlRO’S undertake, expands in each new issue of the comic, with a variety of challenging, yet ongoing possibilities for helping others. “The next big idea in health prevention” says Jjay Free Entertainment Beat Writer, Waiting Room, USA Magazine.

The birth of “GirlRO’S” originated in march of 2000, after The National Human Genome Research Institute awarded a $250 million-dollar research grant to Lucile Adams-Campbell Epigenetics Genome Institute, for a (DNA) subject paring research study that may lead to enhanced antibodies in their test subject’s offspring. 

Using the theory of Epigenetics, trails carried out at the LAC Epigenetics Genome Institute campus, headed by the managing Director, Professor Sensor Knowsit. The paring couple’s kids inherited genomic traits will hopefully provide them with the ability to produce vaccines, that may prevent virus and bacterial infections prior to any epidemic.

Epigenetics is the study of how the environment around us, including the nutrition and the choices we make, can change the expression of inherited genes. Each person has within them the ability, to turn select genes on and others off at will (It Is Understood that the mind creates anger, fear depression and negative thoughts that breaks down the immune systems, just as happiness, caring and positive thoughts strengthening the immune system all controlled by the mind.) and whether learned training in gene regulation can then passed on to a child.

Epigenetics, as a simplified definition, is the study of biological mechanisms that will decide which genes are switched on and off. Genetics is the study of heredity and the variation of inherited characteristics, GMO (genetically modified organism) and the physical manipulation of the structure of DNA.